Worth The Wait Mailing List – Subscribe – to the Mailing List – Email list for special news, updates about the album and more!

So, with the degree that I went back to school to get, one of the classes I’m currently taking is Digital Marketing Strategies, and I hope to implement a lot of what I’ve learned in the marketing phase of this album over the next year.  With that, I need to collect e-mail addresses of those who want to stay involved as well as getting updates about the album production from this point to release (very exciting times now!) and any special news or offers that will be coming regarding the release of “Worth The Wait”.

If you want or need to contact me directly, here’s how:



So, enter your e-mail address above to be added to the Worth The Wait Mailing List and receive updates on this project!

And as always, thank you so much for the support and caring!



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